Driving Growth With a Specialized Payments CRM

The demand for efficient, effective CRM (customer relationship management) tools is greater than ever – especially in merchant services. CRMs are a $65 billion market, with prognosticators saying it will be a $150 billion industry by 2030. Today, nine out of 10 companies use CRM software to improve their data.

The right technology can mean the difference between surviving and thriving for payment providers operating in such a dynamic and competitive space. Unfortunately, most CRMs are built for large companies; rather than offering merchant-centric analytics, they look at customer data generically. This isn’t ideal for independent sales organizations (ISOs), who thrive on personalization and understanding their merchants on an intimate level.

Despite their widespread use, generic CRM options fail to address the unique needs of the payment industry; they lack the flexibility, customization and industry-centric features required for successful merchant management.

In this whitepaper, we look at how IRIS CRM (an NMI company) is redefining the CRM landscape for ISOs, payment facilitators (PayFacs) and other merchant services providers. From automating time-consuming tasks and residual reporting to providing critical insights into merchant performance, IRIS CRM offers a suite of tools tailored to the payments industry.

Download the full whitepaper to learn more.