How Complex Is Acquiring or Building a Payment Gateway?

There's more to taking a payment gateway platform to market than meets the eye – and merchants need providers who can deliver now. Should you build your own payment gateway? Acquire one? Or partner with an existing gateway provider?

In this whitepaper, we explore the complexities of gateway development, including:

  • Ownership costs
  • Security demands
  • Maintenance challenges
  • The need for agnostic processing
  • Third-party integrations

We also highlight the need for agility when adapting to market trends like biometrics, buy now, pay later (BNPL) and contactless payments. 

Building or acquiring your own gateway is costly, with the average initial investment exceeding $1 million. However, partnering with an established provider like NMI can help you better navigate the intricacies of payment acceptance, enhance revenue generation and deliver unforgettable payment experiences to your merchants. 

Before you commit to becoming a payment gateway provider, use this guide to carefully consider the complexity of acquiring or building a payment gateway. Download this valuable free resource below.