Piecing Together the Payment: The Journey Before the Transaction
Payments are complex—particularly before the transaction takes place. Behind every successful payment transaction lies a well-orchestrated symphony of processes that occur long before a card is swiped, a button clicked, or a cart emptied. While the transaction may seem like the payments journey's climax, the prelude sets the stage for a seamless, secure, compliant experience.
To help you better understand the intricacies of the pre-transaction process, we collaborated with the Leaders in Payments Podcast to connect with influential people in the space and get their thoughts, opinions and recommendations for success.
IRIS CRM Product Manager, Jaron Ruckman
In this episode, Jaron Ruckman shows how the revolutionary merchant relationship management solution IRIS CRM (an NMI company) is reshaping the industry. IRIS CRM integrates seamlessly with top processors and enhances visibility and accountability for independent sales organizations (ISOs), banks, payment facilitators (PayFacs) and other merchant services providers.
Agreement Express Director of Product Management, Darryl Cumming
In the second episode, Darryl Cumming discusses the future of underwriting and onboarding in the payments industry. He also explains how Agreement Express (an NMI company) automates the underwriting process, focusing on functionality and efficiency. Learn about compliance and fraud prevention in payments and how innovative products are revolutionizing the industry.
Corserv CEO, Anil Goyal
In the third episode, Anil Goyal delves into the evolving landscape of card issuing and unpacks its impact on financial transactions. He and our host explore how technologies like APIs and virtual cards have impacted payments. They also discuss the future of physical cards and AI's role in shaping the future of card issuing.
Mastercard Global Head of Commercial Solutions, Chad Wallace
In the fourth episode, Chad Wallace shares his expertise on the transformation of B2B payments in the digital era. The discussion revolves around the importance of security, value-added services and the need for a greater consumer experience. Wallace also shares his predictions for the future of payments, where he foresees a landscape shaped by interconnectivity, digitalization and artificial intelligence.
Kount Vice President of Global Channel Partners, Scott Przbyla
In the fifth episode, Scott Przybyla provides an insider’s perspective on the online fraud ecosystem. He highlights the importance of the complex network of players involved in fraud prevention and emphasizes the need for end-to-end fraud and identity protection to combat the diverse threats associated with online transactions.
Trustly Chief Legal and Compliance Officer, Kathryn McCall
In the final episode, Kathryn McCall discusses the challenges involved in payment security, anti-money laundering and compliance. She explains how the landscape is evolving in response to technological advances and changing regulations and emphasizes the role of a “compliance culture” in ensuring the integrity and security of the industry.
Download the full whitepaper for more insights from our guests.